duminică, 18 iulie 2010

Final countdown

..or something like that!
Plec la mare,yeeey!Or not?Nu mai stiu.Starea bizara care m-a cuprins este naucitoare,ma plesneste peste ochii sufletului ca o caracatita turbata de cate ori are impresia c-am reintrat pe asa-zisul fagas normal.Oricum,despre saptamana ce urmeaza vom vorbi cand se va fi consumat.Until them,take care,peace&love&screw all the people that want you dead!

I few weeks have passed and I feel more and more
how a stranger keeps breaking through the back door
of my mind,
wanting to find
something I myself have failed to discover:
true love.

Myth?Delusion?Holy Grail?
I should say I don't care,
but I'm forced by the undead
ghosts with whom I share my bed
to not deny this sacred veil:
I'm weak,I'm hypocrite and fake,
I crave this potion with no rest!
I peek,I stare,my wrist I shake
whenever emptiness fills my chest!

I'm also scared,terrified I might add,
of the second I run into what I once
killed to grab!
What if I don't like it?
What if it makes me sad?
What if I'm just a coward?
It shouldn't be this hard!

I have to calm down
and smell the blue hyacinth...
In the end,we shall all
meet our faith!
And I assure you:
it will not be too late...

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