from the crimson diary
"If I ever grow up,I want to have three dogs (Winston,Kent,Marlboro),three cats (Virginia,Walker,Jack) and a bull (my husband)."
"Niciodata nu te indragostesti de o persoana in sine.Nu!Te indragostesti de o culoare care te-a marcat din vestimentatia ei,de ochi,de o aroma ce ti-a invadat simturile si ti le-a incuiat intr-o cusca a fanteziei perpetue.Astfel,ajungi sa venerezi un concept,o proiectie perfect finisata a carnii.Deci,ceva ireal.
Stiind lucid ca-ti inchini altarul unei himere,te resemnezi cu zambetul pe buze si cu lacrimi in coltul genelor.Apoi,te predai clipei,senzatiei,caderii dulci in golul propriei fiinte..."
"N-as fi crezut niciodata ca voi putea uri pe cineva cu atatea ardoare pentru ceva atat de insignifiant..."
"Why do you feel ugly?"
"...maybe it's because nobody told me I was beautiful at the right time.And that seems to hurt even more than being told you're ugly..."
"The guilt...How do you smother the guilt?Tell me how can I get rid of it...Tell me I CAN get rid of it!"
"I'm starting to not care about caring..."
"Nu-mi place cantecul x.Rezoneaza gresit in mine,imi violeaza corzile sufletului.Pe scurt,imi gadila amenintator Cutia Pandorei."
"I hate you so much that,for a minute there,I thought I loved you."
4 comentarii:
i love these random bits of you :)
crimson diary.. is it the one i gave you? :X
I'm glad you do :">
yep :*
Nice...random things:))
"If I ever grow up,I want to have three dogs (Winston,Kent,Marlboro),three cats (Virginia,Walker,Jack) and a bull (my husband)."Mi-a plăcut asta.:D
thank you,love! >:D<
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